
Who does Star Citizen love now? HOVERBIKES!

Is Star Citizen alpha 3.0 going to make it past the PTU testers to the live server by Christmas? It's looking pretty tight. According...

Path of Exile’s War for the Atlas expansion is live today

Path of Exile's free-to-play War for the Atlas expansion is slated to go live this afternoon on PC, expanding the gameworld for diehard MMOARPG...

Sea of Thieves announces March launch date for PC and Xbox One

Well this is a bit of welcome news before the year rounds out! Rare finally announced a launch date for Sea of Thieves: March...

Overwatch snags two Game Awards while Destiny 2 is honored by six nominations

Did you catch last night's Game Awards from LA? If not, you probably didn't miss anything super-groundbreaking, although Overwatch did quite well for itself...
Everyone shoots everyone else!

Fortnite is getting a new large-scale battle royale mode

Over the past weekend, Fortnite managed to hit a peak of 1.3 million concurrent users and 30M total users. That's a lot of people....
Damn you!

Massively Overthinking: The best and worst MMO developer quotes of 2017

Think of all the wacky things devs have said in public in front of gamers and journalists this year. Now imagine what gets said behind...
Darn, no.

Lineage 2 EU completes its current story saga, plans free weekend on its classic server

Big things are afoot in the realm of Lineage 2 this week. Its European version just added "The Last Page -- Salvation" update that...

The Stream Team: A soiree with Said in Secret World Legends

The day has finally come for Massively OP's MJ to spend some time with Said, everyone's favorite mummy in Secret World Legends! For her,...

Overwatch teases new Winter Wonderland skins and Mei’s Yeti Hunt

Winter Wonderland is indeed returning to Overwatch next week on December 12th, and Game Director Jeff Kaplan is not doing anything to quell the...
This may be overreaching.

Saga of Lucimia doesn’t have minimum specs for its testing, but it also does

There are no minimum specs listed for Saga of Lucimia's early access test starting on December 22nd. That's because no work has really yet...

Chaos Theory: Exploring Secret World Legend’s anima allocation and other QoL improvements

Remember that big quality-of-life update that Secret World Legends launched mid-November? Chances are your quality of SWL life did indeed improve with a number...

The Crew 2 has been delayed deeper into 2018

We've known Ubisoft was working on a sequel to driving MMO The Crew since this past spring, when the company confirmed what it would...
So what WILL you take?

Hearthstone: Kobolds and Catacombs is live today with free card packs

Today, Hearthstone players across the world will, indeed, take candle. Blizzard's popular card game launched its newest expansion today, Kobolds and Catacombs. First revealed at...

Guild Wars 2 is planning a Wintersday balance patch next week

Don't worry your little elfin ears, Guild Wars 2 players: Wintersday is on the way. And this year, ArenaNet is tossing in a balance...
The Quick and the Gay

Overwatch League begins as Philadelphia Fusion pulls out

It's a less-than-ideal way for Blizzard's long-awaited esports league to begin. The Overwatch League preseason began this week, although not with all of the expected...

The Stream Team: A first look at Elder Scrolls Legends

If you just can't get enough Elder Scrolls goodness between the single player games and Elder Scrolls Online, you can dive into the new...
Through a portal!

Portal Knights arrives on mobile today

The nice thing about mobile MMOs is that you can still enjoy a video game when you're out on the road. Portal Knights already...
I sure hope it looks better in VR, anyhow.

OrbusVR shows off with a new trailer for early access

The trouble with seeing VR images on a non-VR screen is, well, they don't really carry the same sort of impact. The new OrbusVR...

Tera M is not friendly to free players in its Korean version

Eager to have all of the gameplay of TERA in the palm of your hand with TERA M? You might want to be a...

Hawaii state rep Chris Lee urges gamers to contact their local governments about lockboxes

Say you were a legislator concerned about the lootbox/lockbox gambling issues in gaming. How would you actually go about drafting a law that targets...