warm fuzzies

Gamers can be amazing when they try. Not everyone in MMOs is just another edgelord. “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” Also check out Massively Uplifting for more feel-good stories from our genre!

Massively Uplifting: Destigmatizing mental health in games, celebrating loved ones in LOTRO, Guild Wars 2, and Elite

Spring started splendidly this year. While all may not come up roses in the world at large, plenty of good deeds and uplifting stories...

Star Wars MMOs pay tribute to the life of Chewbacca actor Peter Mayhew

Star Wars fans are in mourning tonight as the original actor behind everyone's favorite walking carpet Chewbacca, Peter Mayhew, is now one with the...

Torchlight Frontiers player releases online fort-planning tool – time to map out your base

One of the features that rocketed Torchlight Frontiers to the top of my watch list last year was the promise of a type of...

The Elder Scrolls Online wants to show you the cats of the development team that inspired Elsweyr’s Khajiit

Who wants to look at some pictures of kitties?! Yes, The Elder Scrolls Online players have a bit more time to wait before Elsweyr arrives, and once...

Ubisoft pledges half a million euros to Notre-Dame Cathedral reconstruction, gives away free games

In the wake of the tragic fire that caused extensive damage to the historic Notre-Dame Cathedral earlier this week, Ubisoft is stepping forward to...

Fan recreates classic Guild Wars’ Ascalon City in RPG Maker

Remaking your favorite online world in a different program seems to be a hobby of some fans, which is why we get (for example)...

Free Realms Sunrise devs show off incredible progress in bringing back a sunsetted MMO

Free Realms is dead -- long live Free Realms Sunrise! For the past few years, this emulator project has endeavored to return the beloved family...

It’s been a whole year since Perpetuum’s devs turned the game over to the community

Back in 2017, Perpetuum Online developer Avatar Creations gave up on the game, admitting it could no longer afford to develop the title given...

Massively Uplifting: Bethesda’s gift to gaming granny, friendships forged in EverQuest and Guild Wars 2

It is no joke: There is plenty that's good going on in the gaming world, and we want to share that with you. You...

The Elder Scrolls Online takes home inaugural GLAAD award for Outstanding Video Game

This is not a joke whatsoever: LGBTQ media-advocacy organization GLAAD has awarded The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset with its first-ever award for Outstanding Video...

Reddit’s gaming hub has shut down for April Fools’ Day, but it’s no laughing matter

While the gaming world is busy punking each other with goofy stunts and pranks, /r/games has shut its doors. Don't worry, internet trolls; it's...
Not today, old man.

Remember Booty Bay in World of Warcraft? It’s back! In Sims 4 form!

If you've ever wandered through Booty Bay in World of Warcraft and thought that it'd be much cooler if the town featured a bunch of...

EVEsterdam 2019: EVE Online explorer visits every star system without being killed

When people say that EVE Online is a game that lets you make your own path, they aren't kidding. While CCP Games builds gameplay...

Guild Wars 2 player builds Super Adventure Box guild hall in tribute to designer Josh Foreman

My kid has already started pestering me about Super Adventure Box this year. It's almost April 1st. Is it open yet? Will there be...

Warhammer Online blogger and MMO podcaster Steve ‘Slurms’ Lichtsinn loses battle with cancer

Out of the boisterous class of Warhammer Online bloggers that emerged on the scene in 2008, Steve "Slurms" Lichtsinn became well-known for his affable...

Sadistic player-designed maze traps Fallout 76 gamers

In a world where there are no NPCs, Fallout 76 players have to get really creative about what to do with their time. One...

Sydney Gaymers rally around Final Fantasy XIV float in annual LGBT+ Mardi Gras parade

Sydney Gaymers brought a bit of Eorzea to last weekend's Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade thanks to a collaboration with Final Fantasy...

Massively Uplifting: Black Desert’s lantern memorial, a gift of sight in Wizard101

Gamers get a bad rap. Studios are seen as heartless villains. Mainstream media is quick to demonize us, and we can be quick to...
Build it up.

LOTRO fan starts petition for Standing Stone to rehire a beloved world builder

Here's something you don't see every day. It's a fan petition, yes, but it's a fan petition for Standing Stone Games to offer the...

Boy’s life proves MMOs are ‘a gateway to wherever your heart desires’

I remember the first few years when MMORPGs were a going concern and how so many people back then used to justify their bad...