winter holiday

The Elder Scrolls Online brings back the New Life holiday event on December 16

It's time to feel the holiday spirit in The Elder Scrolls Online as the game's New Life winter holiday is coming back on Thursday,...

DC Universe Online’s Episode 42 Legion of Doom and winter events have arrived

DC Universe Online players, your doom is upon you - Legion of Doom, that is, as Episode 42 is live and free for everyone....

Star Citizen shows off gravlev bike changes, previews Jumptown 2.0, and kicks off the Luminalia holiday event

If you're a fan of zipping across planets on a hoverbike or like to watch the Daymar Rally, then you appreciate the gravlev bikes...
What are you doing now.

Final Fantasy XIV prepares for its annual Starlight Celebration on December 16

When you defeat the queue for Final Fantasy XIV at the moment, your goal is probably progressing in the main story rather than worrying about...

Swords ‘n Magic and Stuff brings a holiday event and companion pet improvements on December 22

The colorful world of multiplayer RPG Swords 'n Magic and Stuff is preparing to celebrate the holidays in a couple of weeks' time. Specifically,...
It's the same basic bench.

Final Fantasy XI brings the Starlight Celebration around once again on December 16

It's just about time for every game to start its Christmas celebrations, and Final Fantasy XI is certainly no exception with its Starlight Celebration...

PlanetSide 2 celebrates the holidays with limited-time missions, a directive, and blowing up snowmen

See a snowman, blow up a snowman. That's one of the tasks that PlanetSide 2 players can take up to celebrate the festive season...

Star Trek Online’s winter wonderland is an easy way to earn a free T6 starship (and amazing sweaters)

Q's Winter Wonderland has returned to Star Trek Online -- along with a pretty easy way to earn yourself a free top-tier starship. By participating...

Sea of Thieves Season 5 brings flares, treasure burial, and the return of festive holiday events

There's a new season now available in the Sea of Thieves, and while it doesn't have any content on the scale of, say, a...
Always the level.

City of Heroes Homecoming kicks off its holiday event and gives player characters new donuts to eat

Sometimes, you just have a craving for some junk food. Chips, pizza, tacos, donuts; it happens to the best of us. As of last...

EverQuest kicks off Frostfell ahead of tomorrow’s Terror of Luclin launch

Classic EverQuest is set for a big week, what with its Terror of Luclin expansion launch tomorrow and all. And if it's lucky, it...

The Daily Grind: Do the holidays mean more or less time for MMOs for you?

For some people, the advent of the holiday season means that you'll have more time to do whatever you want. You'll have some vacation...

Animal Crossing New Horizons shares holiday events and new gameplay features in a free November 19 update

The next couple of months are all about the holidays in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. A big ol' info drop from the game has...

ArcheAge Unchained’s ArchePass is back as XLGAMES reveals the next mega patch [Update: Aaaaaand it’s gone again]

You know what I would love to not have to type anymore? The word "ArchePass." The loyalty system that launched with ArcheAge's Unchained version...
For me? Or someone.

The Massively Overpowered 2018 winter holiday roundup

It's that time again, the time for a roundup of all the winter holiday events going on in the MMO universe! The nice thing...
Hooray, hunting things!

Monster Hunter World prepares to celebrate the winter holidays with the Winter Star Fest

There's no place like hunts for the holidays. That one is free; Monster Hunter World players can use that for promotions if they so...
Your timing is kind of off, though.

Albion Online brings the Breath of Winter to the game on January 10th

So Albion Online does have an event for this year's winter holiday season... it's just starting on January 10th, 2018. Which makes it a...
Walkin' in a seasonal event.

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best holiday event this December?

Next week is the celebrated Winter Holiday, where lots of people gather around House Decoration and exchange gifts to celebrate Something Other Than Unbridled...
Merry Shipsmas.

EVE Online kicks off its somewhat festive Yoiul festival

In many ways, it's got to be hard to celebrate Christmas in the world of EVE Online. After all, the weather isn't getting colder,...

Skyforge offers sales, events, and an advent calendar for the winter holiday

In Skyforge, the player characters are deities, and they have to save everyone from everything. That is their lot in life. You've no doubt...