world of tanks

Official Site: World of Tanks
Launch Date: April 12, 2011 (US/EU); August 12, 2010 (RU)
Genre: Historical MMOFPS Sim
Business Model: F2P (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC, Xbox 360

The MOP Up: Guild Wars 2 organizes new player tips thread

If you're getting into Guild Wars 2 for the first time or can actually admit that you don't know everything about the game, there's...
waugh? okay

Warhammer Return of Reckoning adds new RvR healing potions and softens the double class restriction

So oi 'eard yew soft piles o' meat cryin' about not bein' able to have a satisfyin' drink while out dere breakin' faces in...

10-year-old World of Tanks has finally landed on Steam

Hey, did you know World of Tanks wasn't on Steam? I always assumed it was, but nope - until Wargaming's move today. "Wargaming is pleased...

MMO Synergy: The Offspring, NERF, Monopoly, and Evangelion

Who doesn't love a good round of corporate synergy? No, no, don't answer that, just cruise on to the next sentence. Today we're going...
I blew things up!

The MOP Up: Apex Legends racks up 100 million players

For some games, the key metric to brag by is the total number of players that have come in through one's doors. And if...

The Stream Team: World of Tanks turns 10 with attack geese and battle castles

Sure, World of Tanks has special coin-earning anniversary missions in the random battles to commemorate its 10th birthday today, but Massively OP's MJ is...

The MOP Up: Neverwinter’s April Fools dungeon

April Fools Day may be past, but its spirit lives on in Neverwinter! This past week's small patch opened up a mini-dungeon for goofy...

World of Tanks Console’s Season 5 lets all players earn a heavy Polish tank and a bear tank commander

There's a fresh season in World of Tanks Console and this one is a doozy, as all players, whether they have a Season Pass...

World of Tanks rolls out Italian heavy tanks as Wargaming’s infringement lawsuit is dismissed in California

We've got three World of Tanks and Wargaming stories to truck through this afternoon. The Blitz lawsuit: First, Wargaming had apparently filed a California lawsuit...

Torchlight III is now available as part of the Xbox Game Pass library

One of the benefits of the Xbox Game Pass for me is that I get to dip my toes in the waters of games...

The MOP Up: Snake, Braddock, and Rambo charge onto World of Tanks Console

World of Tanks' console edition is getting all '80s happy with the launch of season 3 this month. Wargaming announced that players can obtain...

Winter holiday events around the MMO universe, 2020 edition

Ho ho ho, it's Santa's younger brother Derrick here to do all of the jobs that Nick can't be bothered with this holiday season!...

World of Tanks and World of Warships mark the holidays with festive campaigns and Chuck Norris

Boy, remember a thousand years ago when all of those Chuck Norris jokes were everywhere on the internet? Well, either Wargaming is late to...

War Thunder releases the New Power update, World of Tanks lands on next-gen consoles via backwards compatibility

Both of the big-name vehicular multiplayer combat titles have some big updates for their players. War Thunder has released its New Power update, while...

World of Tanks Blitz and Korn join forces for a music video, an event, and new game mode

The band Korn is becoming no stranger to seemingly random video game collabs. The latest comes from World of Tanks Blitz, which sees the...

SuperData August 2020: Fall Guys dethroned League of Legends, pushed WoW to its lowest rank in over a year

SuperData's August global revenue report for the games industry has more than a few eyebrow-raisers this week. On the PC side of things, World...

War Thunder kicks off Operation S.U.M.M.E.R. 2020, World of Tanks Console had a collab event with WWE

What goes best with driving heavily armed and armored military vehicles around? Summertime! Also, apparently, professional wrestling! The summer season arrived to both War...

SuperData June 2020: Valorant had the ‘biggest launch ever for a free-to-play PC title’

It's time for our monthly check-in on how the games industry is doing according to SuperData's numbers, and don't worry - they're all still...

The MOP Up: QuakeCon and Tankfest 2020 come to your home

If you are the sort who would much rather enjoy conventions from the comfort of your home, then 2020 is shaping up to be...

World of Tanks adds a new map and battle pass, World of Warships adds new ships and a Dockyard

Wargaming's two flagship multiplayer vehicle battlers are getting some update love. Today has seen World of Warships apply Update 0.9.5, while World of Tanks...