world of warcraft

Official Site: World of Warcraft
Studio: Blizzard Entertainment
Launch Date: November 23, 2014
Genre: Fantasy Themepark
Business Model: Subscription (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC

Legacy Steel & Sorcery, an extraction-focused ‘mini MMORPG’ from former WoW devs, just hit early access

As promised, extraction RPG Legacy Steel & Sorcery is officially hitting early access today, and it's one we've paid a bit more attention to...

NCsoft Q4 2024: Guild Wars 2 and Blade & Soul are doing great, with Aion 2 waiting in the wings

The MMO company financial news just keeps coming this week as now we've got NCsoft's Q4 2024 financial report, and no, this one isn't...
Still proud of this shot.

Perfect Ten: 10 MMO games, events, and ideas hitting the decade mark in 2025

A decade is a long time. It's kind of weird that we don't think much about games or shows or whatever hitting the decade...

Obituary: World of Warcraft and SWTOR sound artist John Kurlander has passed away

You may not be overly familiar with the name John Kurlander, but we promise you that your ears have experienced his work. Kurlander was...

World of Warcraft’s Undermine(d) is going live February 25

Ready to drive cars around, work for a cartel, and wander the city streets? No, World of Warcraft is not sending you to New...

Choose My Adventure: Mulling over the many (many!) playable variants of Aion

This past weekend didn't see me touch Aion at all for Choose My Adventure - partially because I have had some projects line up...

World of Warcraft’s charity fox raises over $2 million for Duchenne muscular dystrophy research

Last December, we reported on how Blizzard started selling a special fox-and-backpack bundle in World of Warcraft to raise funds to help cure Duchenne...

LOTRO Legendarium: Baubles are the stealth feature LOTRO needed

Cast your memory back to last fall when Lord of the Rings Online's current expansion, Legacy of Morgoth, was announced. While there was excitement...

Casually Classic: Why vanilla Classic’s quest system was an industry revolution

In every retrospective covering World of Warcraft's explosive success out of the gate, there's a lot of effort spent trying to put a finger...

‘We are designing it to last for decades’: Stars Reach is hoping for ‘a few hundred thousand players’

Are you feeling the hype yet from the approach of the Stars Reach Kickstarter? Because Playable Worlds is kinda going all out with blogs...

WoW Classic Cataclysm heads into its final hour… of Twilight

The original WoW Classic servers -- how weird it is to type that -- now are cruising down the final stretch of Cataclysm Classic's...

Blizzard lays out the design pillars for World of Warcraft’s accessible neighborhood housing

The news that World of Warcraft is getting housing with its next expansion, Midnight, shocked the whole MMORPG genre - and us too, as...

World of Warcraft’s state of the game vows an improved new player experience and social initiatives

World of Warcraft is surprisingly chatty this Wednesday, with an article on Patch 11.1's cartels earlier today and a housing preview (!) in a...
Here we are yet again.

World of Warcraft previews the cartels you’ll align with in the Undermine(d) update

Look, you might think that you get to be a big shot, don't ya, get to open up your mouth in World of Warcraft......

Massively OP Podcast Episode 504: The legacy MMO devs leave behind

Justin and Bree remember Project Gorgon's Sandra Powers, with discussion on EVE Online's roadmap, World of Warcraft's Undermine(d), No Man's Sky's and Worlds II, plus adventures in LOTRO, Project Gorgon, WoW Classic, and The Sims 4, and of course mailbag topics on removing and adding things to MMOs to make them better and identifying the major features MMOs just won't do.
Everywhere you look around.

Love is in the air in World of Warcraft through February 17

It's funny how the people who insist that World of Warcraft is named World of Warcraft and somust be all war, all the time...

LOTRO Legendarium: How well does Lord of the Rings Online fulfill class fantasy?

It was several World of Warcraft expansions ago -- Legion, most likely -- that the development team at Blizzard really got worked up over...

World of Warcraft has likely made millions from its $90 pay-to-win dino mount

Last October, World of Warcraft elected to celebrate its 20th anniversary by selling a $90 mount with mail and auction house features baked in....

Guild Wars 2, Overwatch 2 compensate players for recent tech and sale bungles

This is a tale of two MMO studios and how they handled recent fiascos competently. Happy Friday! First, ArenaNet announced last night that it is...

Massively Overthinking: The MMOs where suddenly you’re a different character now

I was recently thumbing through my Lord of the Rings Online screenshots when I stumbled into one I'd taken of a player's extremely smart...