RIFT’s most poorly kept secret is now official: The Primalist will join the game’s roster as the fifth calling (and the first new one since launch).
The Primalist’s key mechanic is the focus bar, which moves between fury and cunning depending on the skills used. Primalists will initially have six souls from which to create a build: Vulcanist (ranged single-target DPS), Berserker (melee AOE), Typhoon (ranged AOE), Titan (tank), Dervish (single-target melee DPS), and Preserver (healer). Four more souls are planned for a future patch.
The Primalist will be coming with RIFT’s 3.4 update, which will also contain a new Lord Arak raid, the Rhazade Canyons dungeon, and a planetouched wilds expedition zone. You can see the Primalist in action in the video developer diary and new pics below!