Another day, another deal! If you’ve been eying The Secret World after hearing about the recently released Enhanced Player Experience but you’re worried about purchasing so much content, Funcom has some good news for you. Until March 31st, brand-new players can purchase a package consisting of the base game (which includes Issues #1 though #4) as well as Issues #5, #6, #7, and #8 for a steep 70% discount. Going one step further, this offer also includes a one-month membership, entitling newcomers to the bonus points and monthly item perks for that month.
The price for this limited-time package? Only $19.99. By comparison, the massive edition offered on Steam, which only includes Issues #1 though #7, costs $59.99. Players can also take advantage of the special $29.99 Tokyo deal and nab the rest of the remaining issues (including the upcoming #11) and the two Tokyo Sidestories for a grand total of $49.98.
Please note that this deal is available only for new players with new accounts. Players on the official forums who received the email offer but found they couldn’t apply it because they already had game accounts were told by Community Manager Gray “Tomium” Hogan, “Chances are very good that you have another account with us here at Funcom, and that is why you got that email. (It may be an AoC account? AO? not sure.) At any rate, yes — you have to create a NEW account to take advantage of THAT offer. I would like to point out that the Tokyo pack may be more in line with what your active character is looking for.”
[Source: Official forums. Thanks, styopa1.]