Can you part with real money more easily than you can part with hours of time to farm up gold in World of Warcraft? If so, you’re probably excited about the new WoW Tokens, which will work akin to EVE Online‘s PLEX as consumable items that can be sold to players for gold. While a date still hasn’t been announced, the price for the tokens has been pegged at $20, with region-wide exchanges set up to ensure that the game automatically adjusts the gold value of these items to match market demand. Those of you with more gold than real money can also benefit from this, of course; pay your gold, get your token, enjoy a month of subscription for free.
But maybe you don’t worry about that, you just want to take on the best opponents in the arena for the championship title. Good news there as well, since the game will be hosting another world championship this year at BlizzCon 2015. Qualifying rounds will be held soon, so now’s the time to start brushing up on your skills even though the convention isn’t until November.
[Source: WoW Token Coming Soon, 2015 WoW Arena Championship announcement]