It’s interesting to see how players who have grown up under the influence of certain MMOs are now making their own games drawing from those experiences. For example, take a look at El Somni Quas, a new indie sandbox that is being created as an homage to Ultima Online.
El Somni Quas is being developed by a team of six Czech Republic players working in their free time to create a hardcore MMO that harkens back to the ruleset of a player-run Ultima Online shard. The title boasts free-for-all PvP with full corpse looting, meaningful achievements, maze-like dungeons, and “no disco-like lightning effects.” It’s using the Unigine and may be going into alpha testing in a year or so.
The El Somni Quas team is not shy about its ambitions, either: “The game is not for players used to [playing] mainstream online games. We are reviving the old-school gameplay system.”
[Source: El Somni Quas, Facebook, Keen Gamer]