The prison island of Alcatraz is the hot new destination of Defiance players following yesterday’s patch. If you’re a curious looky loo or a former player pondering a return, then we’ve got a closer look at the update to satisfy your curiosity.
A recent dev diary expands upon the Alcatraz patch’s key features, while fan site Defiance Data has a great guide covering all of the new features and changes. The patch includes the titular player hub, four-player expeditions, the ability to self-revive, a higher EGO cap, and more types of loot. With the third season of the TV show on the horizon, it will be interesting to see how the game and series continue to tie together.
We’ve got pictures and a video from Alcatraz below, so take a gander and then excuse us for using the word “gander!”
[Source: Alcatraz nuts and bolts, Defiance Data]