Remember the very first Star Citizen trailer from 2012? I’m sure you do because it was completely badass, even though way back then it was sort of a tech demo for Squadron 42. It featured an enemy craft called a Scythe, and while the design has been tweaked since then, the ship retained its asymmetrical alien look as it was ported into the Arena Commander dogfighting module as an AI opponent.
Soon Star Citizens will get to fly the Scythe, though fortunately they won’t have to speak Vanduul to decipher the ship’s systems. “In Star Citizen’s fiction, the Scythes currently available have been modified by a human aerospace company,” Cloud Imperium explains in its latest website update. “They include human-designed control surfaces and HUD software that has been modified with human-appropriate text and graphics. These systems will still retain an alien style, but will be fully usable by those who don’t speak (grunt?) Vanduul.”