The good news for eager VR fans is that EVE: Valkyrie‘s first alpha test will start up on January 18th for use with the Oculus Rift DK2 headset. This comes hot on the heels of the Oculus Rift price announcement, which is means that the headset (and EVE: Valkyrie) will run you a hefty $599 to pre-order. Which is great news for people who have that much money to drop on a specialized monitor that works with a small selection of games, but it’s not exactly the mainstream revolution.
Other beta news? Aw, sure, why not? It’s been a busy week.
- The folks at Nerd Kingdom have received $8.5 million in additional funding for TUG, which is great! The result is that they’re probably going to be delaying updates for a year-ish to port the game to a new engine and may very well completely change the game’s business model to being free, which may be less great.
- Fans of Life is Feudal can look forward to the game starting up its MMO testing in March this year.
- You can currently jump into Divergence Online via early access on Steam, if you’re in the need for some crafting-based sandbox testing. The game’s developers had a bit of a rant about review codes and asking for same, to boot.
- Still no ETA on the next round of testing for World of Warcraft: Legion, but we do know it will feature a new build with new content.
- Another round of beta testing for World of Tanks is taking place on the PlayStation 4.
- The testing for City of Titans has not yet started, but it will likely start in 2016.
Plus, you know, we’ve got that whole list down below. If there’s something we’ve missed despite our best efforts, let us know down in the comments!
As always, we consider an MMO to be in open testing if it features free, public signups and will server wipe prior to launch. An MMO is marked in closed testing if it’s running a private test phase that cannot freely be accessed by the general public; it’s usually under NDA as well. Early access and crowdfunded MMOs whose tests we deem legitimate will be included. So-called “open beta” soft-launch MMOs with cash shops, no sign of launch in the west, or limited interest for our readers will not be listed; we also do not list expansions.
Albion Online: Closed beta
Ascent: The Space Game: Steam early access
Auto Club Revolution: Closed beta
Beasts of Prey: Early access alpha
Black Desert: Korean and Japanese open beta, North American closed beta, release in early 2016
Blade & Soul: Closed beta, release in January 2016
Boundless: Donor alpha
Camelot Unchained: Backer alpha
Chronicles: Runescape Legends: Closed beta
Crowfall: Backer pre-alpha
Das Tal: Alpha previously expected in 2015, no current ETA
DayZ: Early access
Divergence Online: Alpha
Dungeon Fighter Online: Open testing
Earthrise: First Impact: Alpha testing; no recent updates on development
Eleven: Closed alpha
Eternal Crusade: First wave of closed alpha
EVE: Valkyrie: Pre-alpha registration for EVE and DUST players
Ever, Jane: Closed beta
Gloria Victis: Donor pre-alpha
H1Z1: Paid early access
HEX: Unofficial open beta
Kingdom Online: Closed beta
Landmark: Paid closed beta, cash shop active
Life is Feudal: Early access beta
Line of Defense: Early access
MyDream: Closed testing open to donors
Nosgoth: Open beta
Origins of Malu: Combat module in early access
Otherland: Early access
Overwatch: Closed beta
Pathfinder Online: Subscription “early enrollment”
Project Genom: Closed alpha
Project Gorgon: Free, open testing
Shards Online: Pre-alpha
Shroud of the Avatar: Steam early access, backer testing
SkySaga: Ongoing NA and UK alpha events
Star Citizen: Backer pre-alpha
Starriser: Taking beta signups
Stash: Backer alpha
The Repopulation: Alpha offline, currently on development hiatus due to Hero Engine issues
Tree of Life: Paid early access
Tree of Savior: English beta testing events
Tribal Wars 2: Open testing
TUG: Steam early access alpha
Valiance Online: Pre-alpha testing
Venus Rising: Closed beta (adult/NSFW), currently on development hiatus due to Hero Engine issues