Packrats rejoice! If you ever wanted a bag of holding in The Elder Scrolls Online to store all your piles crafting components, then you are luck. During last night’s livestream, Game Director Matt Firor revealed that bags with unlimited space for crafting items are scheduled to be introduced in the Dark Brotherhood DLC. These bags will be an exclusive perk for ESO Plus subscribers. Other topics covered in the hour-long stream include the barbershop, 64-bit client, extra character slots, pets, special events and Tamriel-specific holidays, and much more.
Lead PvP designer Brian Wheeler also shared information about the alliance war and the general PvP plans for the year, including instanced and small-scale PvP (which is still happening). For a full run-down of everything, watch the complete recording below. If your time is too limited for that, one fan added a written summary of major points on Reddit.