Tomorrow’s the big launch day for Blade & Soul for anyone not already enjoying the head start opportunity. Users on Reddit have helpfully compiled several useful tips for the game that may not be immediately evident if you’re new to the game. And no, these aren’t the usual sort of “you can press X to open the X-button window” tips you’ll see on loading screen – these are serious tips about what weapons to unseal, which ones to upgrade, and which quests are actually worth the time it takes to complete.
It’s all useful stuff that might not be immediately self-evident, like the functionality behind the game’s “Bidding” loot system, wherein everyone submits an amount of money and the winning bid is distributed among the rest of the party. You can also jump below the cut to check out the Twilight Garden, if you want to see how pretty some of the later game can be. It’s all useful to know before you make the decision to play or not play on launch.