Camelot Unchained Producer Tyler Rockwell helms the latest newsletter for the Kickstarted game thanks to a plague that struck the heart of CSE and delayed the week’s Q&A stream. Rockwell’s taken the opportunity to introduce a new team artist, show off Tuatha Dé Danann armor concept art, and highlight a still from animation work. “The purple water balloon is just a temp prop for the animations,” he promises, but need I remind you that CSE’s mascot is a duck? Never say never.
As for the features being checked off this week, the story update is smaller than usual because “the team’s focus has gone from an ‘everyone into the pool’ mentality with lots of new features and assets, to more one of bug fixing and auditing of the work done,” Rockwell explains. Character gender selection, patcher updates, lighting tweaks, and a first pass on architecture art round out the completion list.