In celebration of its Steam Greenlight campaign push today, medieval sandbox Wild Terra has released a brand-new trailer showing off its construction and combat mechanics — and studio Juvty Worlds has granted Massively OP 100 keys that unlock early access and five premium days of play through the official client. Juvty tells us that once the game is Greenlit and launched on Steam, existing players will receive Steam keys as well.
Click the Mo button below (and prove you’re not a robot) to grab one of these keys!
No keys left! Sorry.
To redeem your code, download the game from the official website and install it, sign up for an account on the official site, plug in your key, and then launch away. There are no region restrictions on the key, and “access remains forever.”
- If there’s no captcha or Mo button and all it says is “No keys left! Sorry” in big letters, then we’re out of keys. If we get another batch from the studio, we’ll send out a note on social media.
- Having problems with the captcha not working? Try an alt browser or clear your cache.
- Hang on to your code! If you lose it after all of our keys are given out, you’ll need to email us with your IP so that we can look it up for you in reverse.
Good luck and have fun, and don’t forget to vote on Greenlight!