World of Warcraft players, get ready to hurry up and wait: A massive 20-gb patch has begin preloading in Battle.net, heralding the pre-launch 7.0 patch for Legion. Just don’t get too excited; as Redditors caution, there’s still no release candidate build on the test server, and Blizzard has yet to signal the end of the ongoing arena season, so don’t be expecting the real deal to go live in the immediate future. But hey, you can preload it and ogle it all the same.
Meanwhile, Blizzard is prepping a test launch of Legion over in beta land for later this evening.
“At about 11:00 a.m. PDT on July 7, we’ll take the Beta down for a few hours to prepare. Then, at 3:00 p.m. PDT, we’ll bring the Beta up for testers to log in. During this time, you will only have access to Warlords of Draenor content, and any of your characters above level 100 will temporarily be unable to login. Once enough players have logged in, we will begin broadcasting server messages to indicate that Legion is about to go ‘live.’ As the expansion ‘launches,’ you will be automatically prompted with new quests to start your adventures in Legion. Please follow them through to conclusion, and play through your class Order Hall opening quests. This will give us a useful look at our live launch.”
Insert “it’s happening” gif here.