It’s kind of a little strange to be reading zone previews of expansion areas, as you know that what is largely unknown and foreign to you now will become the familiar stomping grounds of you by the end of the year.
Today’s peek into the future of your gaming life, provided that you play World of Warcraft, is an overview and interview of Azsuna. Azsuna is one of the six zones that will make up Legion’s Broken Isles, and it’s here that players can explore a “broken land” that’s dealt with curses, invasions, and battles. It’s also, according to the team, “the research park of magic for the Elves.”
The preview tosses out a few screenshots of the zone, a piece of hauntingly beautiful music, and some anecdotes and facts about the lore and vistas that can be seen in Azsuna. As one of the four leveling zones of Legion, players might choose to hop over to Azsuna first if they want to get a feel for the effects and might of the Burning Legion. The zone also contains a PvP area, two dungeons, and an area with “top-level” fights.