As a continuation of the AdventureQuest franchise, AdventureQuest 3D stands to inherit some traditions, characters, and even events. One such holiday reprise will be Mogloween, a sort of Halloween with less candy and more giant pumpkins that want to eat your face.
The holiday event is a side project that was deemed important enough to get ready even while pre-launch development and testing was happening. According to the devs, Mogloween is a yearly event in which a dimension of “pure terror” tries to make headway into the game’s world of Lore. It’s not entirely clear when this event will arrive, although one might assume that its theme could put it in the region of October.
The devs said that the initial Mogloween will be fairly small due to everything else that’s going on: “We are still working hard to get the Android closed beta ready for launch and then we will be focusing on content for the open beta, but we can’t just let Mogloween pass us by. It won’t be a very big event. Just a single dungeon with some seasonal rewards and a handful of quests, but we hope this will lay the groundwork for many future years worth of Moglwoeens-to-come.”