Back in February we announced that an online prequel to the NBC series Grimm: Dark Legacy was coming to computers at some point this year. Well, that time is now, as Steam launched the game yesterday for $15. The team did remove microtransactions from the game prior to release, giving players all of the content for a one-time purchase.
Grimm: Dark Legacy is a four-player “rogue-lite” title in which players can hunt monsters across Europe together or separate. It boasts a nifty tracking system that allows players to follow noises and tracks to their quarry. Crafting is another important feature, allowing for numerous combinations of materials to create potions, weapons, and traps. Players can select from multiple difficulty modes, including iron man, to best suit their abilities.
Curious what it looks like? Check out the trailer below and let us know what you think of the game and its price tag in the comments!