Online robot-builder-brawler-hybrid Robocraft officially hits beta today with a massive patch after racking up almost 10 million players during its alpha — and now it’s over 10 million indeed. How does it work? Let me quote myself: “The gist is that you build your own blocky robot thingamabob and then drive, fly, or paddle it out to beat up other people’s whatsits and see who’s got the best gewgaw. May the best doohickey win.”
To celebrate the beta launch and make it easy to jump in, Freejam has granted us a slew of sweet starter pack codes that include a Robocraft Holoflag and 6 Protonium Crates stuffed with new items you’re gonna need when starting out in the game.
Click the Mo button below (and prove you’re not a robot) to grab one of these keys!
No keys left! Sorry.
Code redemption instructions can be found on the official website (it’s all handled in-game).
Do note that you can redeem only one key per account, they can be used by anyone anywhere in the world, and they don’t expire until the clock ticks over to 2018.
Good luck and have fun!