A week ago, we told you about OrbusVR, a full-scale VR MMORPG built for the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift — and today, the Kickstarter for the game is live. “OrbusVR is the first MMORPG designed from the ground-up for room-scale virtual reality, including the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift + Touch,” declares the crowdfund. “Explore, socialize, and fight online with thousands of other players from around the world, as we create and conquer a virtual realm together.” Crafting, group dungeoning, socializing tools, a massive map, and endgame PvP are all on tap.
Founder Riley Dutton of Ad Alternum Game Studios seeks $10,000 and hopes to raise it in a week — one of the shortest MMO Kickstarters we’ve seen in a long time, as well as smallest, as Dutton says the game is already funded (by the founder) and is seeking more money to improve the art and writing quality.
“Unlike many MMO and VR projects, I’m not coming to you with a game that exists only on paper or in eye candy trailers,” Dutton says. “Rather, our video is recorded from 3 play tests which we’ve already held, and more than 1,500 people have participated in.”
Pledges run from $5 to $5000, with $30 being the basic buy-in for a game copy. Check it all out on Kickstarter: