Gotta stop teasing Daybreak for a month: Just Survive, the actual zombie sandbox half of the H1Z1 salmagundi, is getting love. The latest patch includes a number of base changes, map updates, raiding adjustements, damage balancing, and more fixes for Badwater Canyon.
“In September 2017, the decision was made to move forward with a second shift, but in a far more familiar direction,” Daybreak explained yesterday. “That shift was developed in parallel with the recent update including Resolution Ridge, and is making its way to the Test Server today. With this new update, we will spend several weeks iterating the large adjustments we’ve made to the core game before this new direction is published to Live. Given the gravity of the changes it is important to test this at scale and get this content in front of our players for feedback as quickly as possible.”
The studio is also emphasizing that “it’s best to consider each game as a separate entity moving forward.”
Meanwhile, over in H1Z1 land, Daybreak’s recapped the H1Z1 Invitational tourney than ran during TwitchCon last weekend and distrubuted half a million dollars in prize money.