Considering the pedigree of StarCraft II and the MOBA genre in general, you would think that Heroes of the Storm would have featured heroes based on its iconic units in about four seconds. But it’s taken us this long to get Blaze in the game. What’s Blaze’s story? He’s a Firebat. His interests include fire, standing in fire, causing fires, and being a Firebat. His relationship status? Fire. You get the idea.
He may have a rich inner life.
Fortunately, Blaze doesn’t have to be an interesting person to be an interesting character, and if your idea of being an interesting character is setting fire to everything with concentrated abilities, Blaze is very interesting indeed. He bursts flame to nearby targets, sets fire to oil slicks he drops that also heal him whilst he’s in the flames, charges to targets, and unleashes fire even faster the more he burns his enemies. And one of his ultimate abilities lets you call down a bunker to fill with your allies to shoot flames everywhere, so he keeps that thematic connection strong. Check out the firebug’s full rundown just below in video format.