Let’s talk about money. Specifically, let’s talk about Crowfall’s money. ArtCraft is doing just that in a dev blog out today.
Referencing the $6M cash injection it picked up from investors at the tail end of 2017, the studio says it’s hired 10 new studio members in addition to a pair of contractors, all of whom were apparently “first choice” candidates for their jobs. That’s brought the studio up to 45 bodies.
“As a result, we now have more throw weight in Art, Design and Engineering,” J. Todd Coleman and Gordon Walton write, “and it also means we’ve started our ‘Live team’ hires (beginning with Operations, and continuing over the next few months with additional folks in Customer Service and Marketing.)”
The ArtCraft duo further says that the 5.4 update went live for testers yesterday, that the EU test server should return to service full-time soon, and that 5.5 is “progressing well.”
“Our plan is to bring that to TEST in February. The overriding goal is to get our complete game loop in place ASAP with the remaining features for Alpha implemented as early this year as possible.”