Winners never quit, we’re told. So what does that mean in light of Vivendi divesting itself of Ubisoft shares? The investment in Ubisoft (well-known for The Crew, The Division, and other titles we don’t really cover here) was long seen as the start of a hostile takeover attempt, which means that selling the 27 percent that Vivdeni (well-known for formerly owning Blizzard) owned represents the company, well, giving up on that plan.
It’s not entirely clear why Vivendi abandoned the hostile takeover attempt, but as part of the sales agreement Vivendi cannot buy any stock in Ubisoft for the next five years, which means that it appears to be well and truly ended. So, good news if you don’t want Vivendi to be in charge of Ubisoft, bad news if… you did want that? Corporate antics are always a thrill a minute.
Meanwhile, Ubisoft has pushed further into China.
“Today, Ubisoft and Tencent announced a strategic agreement in which Tencent will operate, publish and promote several of Ubisoft’s most successful titles on PC and mobile in the Chinese market. The deal strengthens ties between one of the world’s leading videogame developers and the largest operator of online games and social networks in China.”