With World of Warcraft players deeply divided on the build-up to Battle for Azeroth — especially in light of a recent war crime committed by a certain war chief — players were left wondering how the rest of the Horde was dealing with Sylvanas’ over-the-top actions.
Part of that answer was delivered today with a new gorgeous CGI cinematic titled “Old Soldier.” Taking place in the hours before the Siege of Lordaeron that was seen in the Battle for Azeroth trailer, this cinematic focuses on Saurfang’s distress over the lack of honor in the Horde to the point where he feels like quitting entirely.
“They will come for us now,” Saurfang bellows. “ALL OF THEM.”
It also stars the surprise cult star of the expansion, a Troll Shaman that fans have labeled “Zappy Boi.” Our favorite comment? “He is no longer Zappy Boi. He is now Zappy Man.”
Blizzard’s on fire with the reveals and info this week, so make sure to read up on the Heart of Azeroth system that will be at the core of the expansion’s gear progression. And if, for whatever reason, you’re wondering who WoW fan Terry Crews fights for, apparently he’s still on Team Horde these days.