It was a smidge delayed, and then down again, but it’ll happen eventually: Sea of Thieves is due back up with its 1.2.5 patch. It’s not really that exciting a patch, I’m gonna be honest, as it focuses on quality-of-life improvements to the barrel system, allows players to feed caged pigs (again), vows to keep doubloons around after events end, and gently tweaks some no-brainer UI bits.
Probably the biggest change is a bugfix for the game’s telescopes. As Eurogamer chronicled, prior to this patch the community was having itself a ball with a bug that overwrote the animations for holding a treasure chest and holding a spyglass, which effectively led to a week of players running around with erect spyglass dongs. Shenanigans ensued, but unfortunately the bug is spent now. “Fixed issue with telescope clipping,” the patch notes blithely say. My favorite part, I think, is the cover slide on the developer update this week.