Here’s a fun little perk of working at Massively OP: We get to choose the headers, and quite often we writers use screenshots from our own play experiences to show off our characters. That right up there is my Lord of the Rings Online Lore-master, Syppi, who has been with me for at least six or seven years now. She’s my main and I have deep affection for her.
But if you were to ask me if she was my all-time favorite MMO character… boy, I don’t know. I have a lot of great memories with several different ones from various games. I’m incredibly partial to my World of Warcraft Death Knight Syppy (see a naming convention here?) as well as my Secret World mainstay (in both versions) Yeti.
In the end, this post isn’t about me — it’s about you. If you were forced to pick, which MMO character, past or present, would you say is your all-time favorite?