The fact that City of Titans is still planning to have “issue zero” playable for backers by the end of the year is indisputably the biggest piece of the latest news up on the game’s site. There’s a reason it’s the big takeaway from the latest status update by the development team. But there is other important stuff in motion, and an equally important part of the dispatch is that the team is still working away even if its’ sometimes taking longer than expected. Progress is being made, and the title is coming together over time.
While there was a rather nasty crash affecting the project’s shared resources earlier this year, the development has continued on the game’s content and avatar creation tool. There’s even a new website on the way that promises more informative content and a more professional feel. If you’re in the “can’t wait” camp, you unfortunately will need to wait just a little longer, but it does indeed look like bigger things are on the way before the end of the year. Even aside from playable incarnations of the game.
This image is brought to you by Clipping – the Feature. The hair is on top of the mask and the ears are poking through both. One of the challenges of the Avatar Builder is figuring out where the eye searing clipping is and how to avoid it, while allowing the rest. pic.twitter.com/EIcXrOp5XV
— City Of Titans (@CityOfTitansMMO) September 18, 2018
The key feature of today's image – aside from sheer coolness of course – is that both designs are using the *same* spandex pattern. That's the power of our material selection option. The glow on the green one is on a slider. pic.twitter.com/5MYi3aXBGi
— City Of Titans (@CityOfTitansMMO) September 30, 2018