If you were put out by the delay of Star Citizen’s alpha 3.3’s features to the hastily fabricated 3.3.5 patch, well, you can stop feeling put out. During this week’s episode of Around the Verse, Chris Roberts says Cloud Imperium has bumped the schedule to make sure object container streaming, one of the game’s fundamental tech pieces, is in and playable by CitizenCon after all.
“We’ve redistributed developer bandwidth by shifting focus exclusively to our build that includes OCS,” Roberts wastes no time explaining. “This means instead of releasing alpha 3.3 without OCS to the live service at CitizenCon, we’ve decided instead to open the PTU to all backers on October 10th with a build that includes OCS and all the performance gains that come with it. This will allow us to get the content and improvements into your hands faster than we would’ve done with the other plan. Hurston and Lorville will soon be added afterwards in an incremental 3.3 patch.”
If you keep hearing the term “OCS” and have no idea why it matters so much, this episode is worth the listen; Roberts likens it to a sort of background loading technology that loads the stuff around you based on where you are and where you’re going, much more complicated in an MMO than a singleplayer game, but absolutely essential for making the world happen.