It’s time once more for Planetside 2 players to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas by engaging in an endless three-way factional war while wearing festive hats. Or is that the true meaning of Auraximas? It could be both, but the festivities will be on the surface of Auraxis, with players shooting up a faction of snowmen while deploying special Snowman Soldiers to soak up enemy fire.
Players can also get festive hats and weapons in the game’s weapon depots, along with explosives looking like presents. There’s even a holiday directive to follow in the hopes of getting the “Little Helper” shotgun, something you’ll be eligible to use even after the season if you like shooting your enemies in Christmas-themed regalia. Don’t worry about rushing, either; you’ve got until January 31st to get all of this done, so enjoy the season and reach out to your enemies over long range with a rifle. And if you want to have visions of a potential new title in the franchise dance in your head, who are we to say no?