We hope you had fun playing what was evidently the initial testing period of Ashes of Creation: Apocalypse. It was a good testing phase and the developers are already happily saying on the game’s Discord channels that it helped them identify several key issues while it was running. If you’re wondering why all of this is being said in the past tense, it’s because the battle royale mode’s servers are offline for now until January 11th, when they’ll be brought back online for controlled test weekends.
If you’re wondering why you didn’t see any of this on the official site or Twitter, well, it wasn’t posted there. Just on Discord, and then on Reddit after the servers had already gone offline.
Needless to say, there are some rather angry fans in the comments already who are less than happy that the game was open with a functional cash shop only to be shut down sans warning for more than two weeks. Apparently the “official” launch of this battle royale mode has been moved to February, so we’ll have to see what happens with those developments as we move through the first months of 2019.