One of the most-anticipated games of 2019 is about to hit the air soaring, as BioWare brings Anthem’s demo to bear this Friday. Pre-order customers can get an early look at the game on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4, while the rest of the world will have to wait an entire week to get in on the action.
Anthem Executive Producer Mark Darrah informed the community that said demo will be limited in scope and feature set. There will be no tutorial, only one story arc, no ability to choose a pilot, and “super different” balancing. Still, it will be a lot of people’s first look at the open world sci-fi epic and could potentially make or break a lot of Day One sales for the February 22nd launch.
Since you have a few days until you can get your hot little hands on Anthem, you might as well get your homework on the title done right now. BioWare released the first part of its gameplay series on Anthem, covering story, progression, and customization. You can check that out below.