Lord of the Rings Online and Dungeons and Dragons Online players have plenty to look forward to in their near and far future, especially if you factor some new revelations that emerged from a lengthy interview on MMO Central.
Housing fans should rejoice to hear that Standing Stone Games is planning to add Rohan homes following this year’s expansion, with other regional housing to follow. The studio said that the progression servers are still going strong, too: “They’re populous. They have not dropped in population very much at all. They have maintained even better than we have imagined, so we’re fantastically happy on that.”
SSG was reluctant to spoil story details of this summer’s Update 24, saying only that “The Vale of Anduin has a rich history […] and a lot of stuff happened there, and the Vales of Anduin will become important because it the story will lead us through that area to an expanded, an extended sort of story in that area to how it rolls into our [Minas Morgul] expansion.”
As for DDO, a 64-bit client is confirmed to be on the way to the game in same fashion as LOTRO’s own upgraded version. The team also talked about the decision to add an “iconic” fiddle as the Tiefling Scoundrel’s chief instrument and hinted at a future Forgotten Realms-themed Drow racial variant as well as a “utility/casting” class in the making.