It’s been a pretty heckin’ long time since we heard about the Magic: The Gathering MMO that Cryptic first announced in June of 2017. During a dev blog regarding Neverwinter’s Expeditions feature in Undermountain, environment artist Patrick Poage has confirmed that the Magic: The Gathering title is still a thing.
After a deep dive on how Poage and his team set up atmosphere and variance in Undermountain’s new repeatable content, he closes with an announcement that he will be leaving the Neverwinter team after four years to “move downstairs” and begin environment artist work for the Magic: The Gathering title. This is the most recent confirmation we have received that the game is still being built; Cryptic has been mum about the new game’s existence since sometime last September.
The original dev blog regarding Neverwinter is still an interesting nuts-and-bolts read, so it’s worth your time to take a look if that’s of interest. In the meantime, we wish Poage the best of luck and hope that there’s more word on the new M:TG game than a passing mention at the end of a dev blog for an unrelated MMO.