It’s time to reach new heights in TERA. It will be, anyhow, when the Skywatch: New Heights update launches today after maintenance. And it’s a big one, with players able to rise to level 70 and take on new challenges alongside the new Gear Fusion system and Skill Advancement system. The latter lets you unlock alternate versions of familiar skills, while the former lets you put two pieces of equipment together to get something better out of the end result.
[AL:TERA]Players will also have a new system for entering dungeons via the weekly Adventure Coin system, replacing daily lockouts and allowing more freedom in when you take on challenges. Add in some new dungeons to the mixture along with revamped version of old favorites, and there’s plenty to do even as you start climbing up to the new level cap. Check out screenshots just below if you want to get some of the visuals before you play the update.
Source: En Masse Entertainment press release