When Caravan Stories was announced for the west just a few weeks ago, several of our writers went nuts for it. So we’re stoked to relay today that the game’s open beta dates have just been announced: July 16th through 23rd, at which point it launches for real and for true. On PS4 only, of course.
“From dastardly dungeons to open-world raids, only a party of stalwart companions can overcome the dangers of Iyarr. Up to six creatures and allies can band together, each boasting different skills and specialties. An assured victory will require players to balance the strengths and weaknesses of the party in thrilling, strategic encounters with monsters and demons. […] Iyarr is as unpredictable as it is beautiful. As the sun falls and shadows turn to moonlit darkness, new monsters appear to threaten the party. When day breaks, other creatures join the fray, demanding new approaches and strategies. The time flow system influences dynamic world where surprising stories can unfurl at any moment.”
The game will be free-to-play; we’ll be joining the existing 2M players already roaming the world in Japan.