Doors, doors, doors. Yes, “a good amount of work was done to bring doors into” Camelot Unchained this week. That probably sounds silly, but if you’ve ever mucked around with doors in a guts of a video game, you know what a pain in the ass they can be – and also how much immersion they can destroy if they aren’t done properly.
“Christina added a persistent state system for items, so we can remember when our doors are opened/closed, build simple-state machines, etc,” the studio writes. “This is all data-driven, so we’ll be able to use it for much more than just doors. She also added damage resistances for all our damage types to deployable items. This way you can have a door (or any deployable item) that is extra strong against ice attacks, for example, but maybe isn’t as strong against fire. She also worked on the gameserver side of animating doors, so they can open and close while Mike D is working on the client side ensuring the doors look good while animating.”
City State Games also says it’s been working on character creation UI, the navmesh, shaders, the world map, the ability book, mortars, and something mysterious about a console controller (no, it’s not a console version).
If the wall o’ text isn’t your thing, don’t forget you can catch the end-of-the-week Q&A video instead; this past week’s stars Mark Jacobs himself discussing… yeah doors. Among other things!