As one of the hosts of Battle Bards and the writer of this site’s Jukebox Heroes column, I obviously hold great affection for MMORPG soundtracks in all of their forms. And while I have sampled and appreciated many musical delights from games I haven’t played, perhaps some of the most special tracks to me are the ones that are intertwined with personal memories of playing those titles.
I can’t hear Dun Morogh or Spiritual Elysium without thinking of my very first days in World of Warcraft and Anarchy Online, for example. City of Heroes’ Atlas Plaza theme makes me think of all of the costume contests that I attended there, and LOTRO’s Fields of the Shire sucks me back to all of the wonderful times I had journeying through that pastoral landscape.
I could go on and on and on, but I’d rather hear and listen to your picks today! What are the most nostalgic MMO music tracks for you? Post a link to them in the comments and write down your own memories for us to appreciate!