The lesser-loved Blizzard titles are back in our spotlight. Regrettably, I’m not talking about The Lost Vikings, but instead I’m referring to Diablo III and StarCraft II, both of which have provided their own little updates. They’re trying like hell, bless their little hearts.
Over in the world of Diablo III we’ve got the ARPG’s 18th season due on Friday, August 23rd. The Season of the Triune is the latest theme, which once more confirms the focus on themed seasonal content going forward. During Season 18, players will see circles periodically spawn on the map that provide one of three unique buffs while you stand in them. It also brings the usual variety of cosmetics, rewards, and seasonal conquests to chase down.
Meanwhile, in StarCraft II’s neck of the woods, the War Chest is coming back for BlizzCon 2019, offering fans a grab bag full of cosmetic goodies to earn for their chosen faction and helping to swell the prize pool of the World Championship Series finals. Each chest’s goodies will open in three phases on August 15th, September 12th, and October 10th respectively, with all sorts of skins, sprays, emoticons, loading screens and more to earn. New this year will also be an additional path for everyone regardless of faction choice. This extra path of earnable shinies includes Brood War-themed skins and additional sprays and icons.