Last week, the folks at Camelot Unchained were focusing on making sure their NPCs were dolts when it comes to moving around in a 3D space. That work continues apace in this week’s update, as one would expect; programming AI to not be goofy is probably a lot of work.
One of the more significant updates is regarding the NavMesh system and its “3D-ifying” (their word, not ours, but it’s in our lexicon now) to help NPCs better navigate elevations in terrain and objects that are stacked on one another like battlements and ramparts. The team also worked on tech that lets the server track objectives and instruct NPCs where to go, and new NPC ideas were floated for undead and female magic-using characters; none of these are being used immediately, but they lay the groundwork for later addition and are the subjects of this week’s concept art showcase.
Of course, it’s not only about NPCs, as the report checks in with work on materials, VFX improvements, server tech, and fixes for the corpse chucker among other updates. You can get your usual fill of updates at the dev blog itself and in the video wrap-up below.