Hearthstone welcomes Demon Hunters and sips from Carl’s Jr. cups

Introducing Carl Jr's Blood Chicken Nugget Pickledeath burger. Not really.


Whether or not you are prepared for it, Hearthstone: Ashes of Outland has arrived. The latest expansion set for the digital card game brings the Demon Hunter class into the fold. Players can unlock the class for free and get 30 cards to fill out a starter deck by going through four single-player missions.

“The fearsome Demon Hunter features an in-your-face playstyle—cutting down foes with weapons and claws, or crushing them with enormous demon minions,” Blizzard explained. “Demon Claws, the class’s hero power, is a one mana-cost boost to the Demon Hunter’s attack, designed around robust synergies with its class cards.”

The expansion also includes the new Outcast mechanic, Prime and Imprisoned Demon minions, and an upcoming free solo adventure. Blizzard announced that with Ashes of Outland’s arrival, Rastakhan’s RumbleThe Boomsday Project, and The Witchwood expansions are all rotating out of standard and into wild.

Meanwhile, those who are daring to go out in these uncertain times may collect one of the new Hearthstone collectors cups at fast food chain Carl’s Jr. Just… make sure you wipe it down really good if you do. Maybe dunk it in bleach for a while and then never, ever drink from it. Probably better as a mantle piece, anyway.

Source: Hearthstone
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