Torchlight III (which I lovingly refer to as Torchums or Torchic or Torcherry Pie) is continuing to tout the fact that players can build forts. And while the dev blog that elaborated on the feature was all well and good, a recently released video is a bit more illustrative in terms of what players can do with their personal little space. It also, arguably, has the most character ever seen in any of the ARPG’s previous promotional videos.
[AL:TL3]As for the game itself, it’s received another patch that has addressed a crash that players have been experiencing when parties travel. The cause is… weird; evidently, custom player portraits are the culprit and have been disabled for the time being. The update has also added some more skill updates with particular attention paid to the Railmaster, as well as a number of other bug fixes. You can get all of the information from the Steam page of Torcheezy fo’ Sheezy. Hey, there’s another pet name.
sources: press release, Steam