It never occurred to me that the internet spaceships of EVE Echoes have interiors manned by a crew of people; I always just envisioned one person hooked up to the thing by a bunch of wires and cables for some reason, so the peek at the inside of the Yan Jung factions’ Xian-Yue destroyer was actually pretty revelatory.
The preview video provides a little more lore context for the faction as well as details the inner workings of the recurve bow-like ship, touting advanced sensors and computer arrays, a stasis webifier enhancer, and a council hall room that serves as a spiritual hub as well as a “core of collective consciousness.” Which is important to these ships, apparently.
The ship was available for use during EVE Echoes’ recent beta test, which wrapped up on July 15th. The game is eyeballing a launch sometime in mid-August, while further peeks at the ships of the Yan Jung faction are promised in the future. For now, enjoy the super-compressed visual delight that is Twitter video below.
Many of you have had a taste of the new Xian-Yue ship in the last beta test. In today's Dev Diary, we will unveil the mysterious Xian-Yue and explore its origins. This is one video you'll definitely not want to miss!#devsdiary #eveechoes pic.twitter.com/4vGdvBYXcI
— EVE Echoes (@EveEchoes) July 18, 2020