You know, we talk about crafting a lot here on Massively OP, but gathering doesn’t get nearly as much love, and yet pretty much every game with crafting has that too. I’ve been doing a lot of it lately in Lord of the Rings Online, circling through my loops through zones harvesting ore and wood, occasionally stopping at a wolf lair to murder the critters hoarding my hide. Forochel? More like ore-ochel, am I right?
So I’ve kind of missed this gameplay, largely because my main MMOs either don’t really have it, turn it into industrial AFK production, or lack a crafting system compelling enough to bother with it. It’s been fun to get back into it again… and also exhausting. It’s work! I kinda miss my factories too! I’m torn between what I like better: the organic feel of manual harvesting and cracking into trees and ore, or the AFK appeal of my harvies.
There are probably other types out there I’m not even thinking of. SWTOR companions, for example, could be dispatched to bring back mats, which was clever. Which MMO offers your favorite type of resource gathering?