The month of November saw the devs of Camelot Unchained improving the game’s landmass quite a bit. In the latest newsletter, we get a look at the creation of the new and improved Verdant Forest biome as well as word of a new RvR map.
The new Verdant Forest not only brings some dark fantasy forest vibes to the game, but also has managed to perform better than its previous incarnation thanks to a number of new technical enhancements, so it not only looks better but runs better. The current version of this biome is considered “phase one,” while phase two will focus on some flora details and phase three will involve polish and final release to multiple islands.
On the subject of multiple islands, the same newsletter talks up work on a third RvR map known as the Veilshards, which sounds more like a final release map while the current RvR2 map is a testing ground for players and devs to work out bugs and fine-tune features. This new battleground will have its own features too, like new things for players to consider in regards to travel as there are multiple roadways that could either be safer, faster, or more beneficial. Overall, the new map is said to be designed with an eye on “enhancing PvP encounters.”
The most recent Top Tenish update has talked about the Verdant Forest and the Veilshards as well, summarizing development progress on both locations along with other work like new NPCs in battleground zones, a number of bug fixes, and continued iteration on the Dragon’s Web power grid feature among other things.