Titan Reach, the self-proclaimed “social” MMO (versus all of those anti-social ones out there), is looking to an alternate source of income after a failed Kickstarter campaign this past fall.
The dev team put up a new store that allows fans to stock up all sorts of rewards, including pets, cosmetics, alpha access, name reservations, and the ability to name NPCs. Well, you can buy the credits to buy these items later, at least, as the actual purchasable rewards aren’t implemented quite yet.
There’s a real note of desperation in this announcement, as the Aussie team said that it’s do-or-die time for the game’s finances:
“This is the last hoo-rah for us, if we don’t get enough funds to cover our development through Jan and Feb until we acquire real funding, then it’s all over. Without funding now, we can not cover the costs of continued development (server and software costs) and the team will fall apart […] If we do not hit the funding we need by January 5th, 2021 (in the order of $30k USD), we will refund everyone’s money and close the game down.”
As MMO players will recall, the game went to Kickstarter this past fall but failed to secure its $421,578 ask. The team said it would attempt an Indiegogo next; in response to our article on crowdfunding, the team also insisted that the Indiegogo would be fixed-funding rather than flexible-funding. At the time, the plan was for that Indiegogo to go live two months later, which would’ve been last week.
As you ponder that, you can also check out a specialized dev blog that was posted to share Titan Reach’s server technologies and infrastructure with other similar game projects.