The producer of Wizard101 really likes the world of Karamelle. That’s part of the impression given by her recent producer’s letter, which talks up some of her favorite parts of the recently added world as well as some general plans for the game’s next year.
One of the major foci for 2021 will be stat rebalancing and PvP improvements, which were elaborated on in several dev blogs. The game’s producer specifically points out an explanation on why stat rebalancing is happening from one such blog, which points out that stats reached their practical limit and that school identity was being lost. Wiz101’s producer promises that these efforts are being made with an eye on the game’s future. The letter then asks for patience in regards to improving PvP, noting that things will likely be chaotic, messy, and frustrating as things are worked out. The hope is that both of these updates will be part of the beginning of the game’s Fifth Age.
Over on KingIsle’s other MMO Pirate101, there’s a new benefit for subscribers of the game: a free respec for characters and companions. Just in case you were among those still looking to support the game with money in spite of its wind down into maintenance mode.