I kinda feel a smidge sorry for Magic Legends this week as its open beta announcement and slew of videos have been a bit overshadowed by the runaway train that is Gamestock. Nevertheless, on Tuesday PWE dropped a deckbuilding trailer and state-of-the-game video, along with the announcement that it’s rolling into open beta come March 23rd.
Since then, the studio hopped on stream to demo the game for would-be testers. PWE’s community manager SoFech is joined by Executive Producer Stephen Ricossa to talk about the remaining alpha wave before said beta and offer up nearly an hour of new gameplay content, though our eyes are drawn immediately to the gorgeous waving foliage – it’s real pretty for an isometric game, gang. The duo narrate as another dev rolls around the the overland areas, showing off combat, the interface and HUD, splashy spell effects (the ice walls are amazing), the mission complete screen, the overhead map, all in a bit of a “tutorialized” area.
The whole stream is below.